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Practice Engagement & Translation (PET)

Practice Engagement & Translation (PET)

We bring communities and researchers together to create long-term solutions to improve the health of the broader population. We focus on the biggest public health problems, working with community partners who are ideally positioned to make an impact on those who have not always benefited from healthcare and innovation. Our research is driven by the priorities of our community partners and emphasizes sustainability through leveraging technology and shared resources.

We address the gap between research discovery and program delivery by facilitating late-stage translational research in healthcare systems and public health settings.

The Practice Engagement Team is funded by NIH's National Center for Advancing Translational Science (NCATS) UM1TR004409, and receives individual project funding from a variety of sponsors.

Team Science

Facilitate Community-Engaged Practice Research and translational research addressing prevention and control of chronic and infectious diseases through:

  • Behavioral interventions
  • Biomedical informatics and health information technology
  • Addressing differences in how healthcare is delivered in different settings and to different populations
  • Implementation science

Strategic Partnerships

  • Develop multi-level and multi-sector partnerships, connecting community members and scientists
  • Engage with regional community healthcare and public health systems to raise awareness of active and pending Community-Engaged Practice Research
  • Create dissemination pathways for Community-Engaged Practice Research
  • Current partners: state primary care associations, departments of health, cancer coalitions, community health centers, large health systems, and academic institutions.


Recruit, educate, and mentor diverse scientists to address T3–T5 translational research with community-engaged practices .

  • Advise scientists through CEPR Consultation in:
  • Best practices for working with community-engaged practices
  • Identification of appropriate practice partners
  • Ethical approaches to T3–T5 community-engaged research
  • Pragmatic trial conduct and implementation

Current Projects

Projects with diverse funding to address community practice priority areas

  • Tobacco cessation for adolescents and adults
  • Colorectal cancer screening
  • Telehealth physical therapy for pain management
  • COVID-19 testing and vaccination
  • Health information technology capacity
  • Persistent poverty
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • HPV vaccination
  • Healthy lifestyle

David Wetter, PhD, MS

Kara Kikuchi, ND
Community Practice Programs Manager

Center for HOPE