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The Cancer Biostatistics (CB) Shared Resource, led by Dr. Kenneth Boucher, provides broad biostatistical support for cancer-related research projects. It is overseen by Huntsman Cancer Institute as a shared resource, is solely focused on cancer, and collaborates with Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) in a variety of domains. The primary objective of the CB Shared Resource is to provide state-of-the-art biostatistics and research design support to laboratory, translational, clinical, and population sciences investigators at HCI and investigators across campus proposing cancer-relevant projects. The project request and tracking system used by the PHR directs all cancer-related projects to the CB Shared Resource. The CB Resource also receives requests for collaborations internally within HCI.

CB Shared Resource staff members also develop new statistical methods for use in cancer research and support cancer researchers by providing didactic and one-on-one mentoring to educate HCI investigators in principles of study design, development of analysis plans, and interpretation of data.

More information can be found here.