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Nucleic Acid Isolation (DNA and RNA) Services

Service Current Prices
DNA extraction blood $32.86
DNA extraction saliva $41.43
DNA extraction buffy coat $32.86
DNA extraction soft tissue/other $34.06
Free-circulating DNA $28.23
DNA extraction cell culture lines (single well of 6 plate or smaller) $23.75
RNA extraction using PAXgene Blood RNA Kit (up to 8ml per sample) $52.65
RNA extraction using Tempus Blood RNA Kit (up to 8ml per sample) $33.32
RNA extraction soft tissue/other $35.55
RNA extraction cell culture lines (single well of 6-well plate or smaller) $22.67
Rnase Treatment per 8mls of blood $1.37
Qubit measurements per sample $2.62
Each Extra Aliquot $0.77

Blood and Cell Culture Services

Service Current Prices
EBV transformed cell line $89.58
Regrow cryopreserved EBV transformed cell lines $87.24
Serum or plasma isolation $8.90
PBMC isolation $41.47
Generate fibroblasts from skin biopsy $102.95

Biorepository Service

Service Current Prices
1 standard cryobox (5.25 x 5.25 x 2.13 in) stored in a -80 Freezer/Per month $0.52
1 standard cryobox (5.25 x 5.25 x 2.13 in) stored in Liquid Nitrogen/Per month $2.60

Translational Consultation Service

Service Current Prices
Per 30 minutes (Colin Maguire-Director) $38.22

CRISPR-iPSC Generation

Service Current Prices
2 separate gRNAs Project Specific
Electroporation of the CRISPRs into the iPSC line of interest Project Specific
TIDE analysis Project Specific
Flow sorting of iPSC clones Project Specific
Expansion Project Specific
Sequencing of clones to identify mutants Project Specific

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Services

iPSC generation per single patient sample (6-12 distinct cell lines) Standard Characterization is included in package

Service Current Prices
Supplies & Reagents for iPSC generation $530.88
Labor for iPSC generation $722.54
Cell line authentication Standard Characterization $83.75
Pluripotent Immunofluorescence Analysis Standard Characterization $308.53
NanoString Phenotyping $311.42
Molecular Karyotyping Standard Characterization $402.50
Mycoplasma & Bacteria Testing Standard Characterization $58.93
Total $2,398.55

DNA for cell line authentication per patient

Service Current Prices
DNA extraction by CTRC $23.75
Cell line authentication by Genomics Core $60.00
Total $63.75

Immunofluorescence analysis: 3 nuclear pluripotent markers and 2 pluripotent surface markers per patient sample

Service Current Prices
Reagents & supplies for immunostaining and Imaging $137.91
Labor for imaging and analysis $154.62
Cell imaging core fee per hour (EVOS FL) $16.00
Total $308.53

TaqMan qPCR analysis: 4 blood markers, 4 pluripotent markers, and 2 reference genes per patient sample

Service Current Prices
RNA extraction by CTRC $22.67
qPCR reagent & supplies (See TaqMan qPCR Reagents Tab Catalog #'s $118.25
Genomics core qPCR instrument price per 384-well plate ($40 per plate [8 samples per plate]) $5.00
Labor for cDNA sysnthesis, qPCR, run, and analysis $283.46
Total $429.37

Molecular Karyotyping per patient sample

Service Current Prices
KaryoStat service provided by ThermoFisher Scientific $395.00
Shipping cost $7.50
Total $402.50

Mycoplasma & bacteria testing per patient sample

Service Current Prices
Sartorious Microsart Research Bacteria Kit (Cat#SMB95-1009) $25.60
Sartorious Microsart Research Mycoplasma Kit (Cat#SMB95-1005) $14.00
Labor (based on batching 4 samples per set) $19.33
Total $58.93

STEMdiff Trilineage Differentiation Analysis per patient sample

Service Current Prices
Reagents & supplies for immunostaining and Imaging $137.91
Labor for imaging and analysis $154.62
Cell imaging core fee per hour (EVOS FL) $16.00
Total $308.53

Cardiomyocyte Differentiation Analysis per patient sample

Service Current Prices
Reagents & supplies for immunostaining and Imaging $95.56
Labor for imaging and analysis $154.62
Cell imaging core fee per hour (EVOS FL) $16.00
Total $266.17

Neural Induction Analysis per patient sample

Service Current Prices
Reagents & supplies for immunostaining and Imaging $121.77
Labor for imaging and analysis $154.62
Cell imaging core fee per hour (EVOS FL) $16.00
Total $292.39