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CTRC’s OpenSpecimen Biospecimen Management System

The Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI), in conjunction with the Biomedical Informatics Core (BMIC) and the CTRC, have recently implemented the OpenSpecimen Biospecimen Management System. This system improves operations at the CTRC by allowing the CTRC to automate and track samples as they are processed at the lab. OpenSpecimen also allows lab users to track the location and status of their samples from drop-off at the CTRC to sample storage or pickup!

All users requesting CTRC services now must have an OpenSpecimen (OS) User account.
  • If you do not yet have an OS user account, the CTRC staff will create a user account for you when you initially request CTRC services as part of setting up a project.
  • If you are a new coordinator for a study already using CTRC services, you will need to submit a request to the BMIC Service Desk for an OS User account.

Requesting CTRC Services - Processing or Sample Storage

All users must first register their projects / study in ProTrackS.  Please visit the ProTrackS page to register your study, request CTRC services and obtain a CTSI ID. 

The CTRC team will automatically be notified of your registration and will connect with you to provide an estimate of services and to gather the pre-requisite billing information.  Once your project registration is complete, you will be ready to submit samples to the CTRC.

Using CTRC’s Services

The specific processes for "Dropping Off" and "Picking Up" samples differs slightly depending upon whether your lab uses OpenSpecimen to manage samples or not.

When you arrive at the CTRC to drop off your samples processing or long-term storage, you must log into the OpenSpecimen using your UNID and campus-wide password.

Dropping Samples Off at the CTRC

Picking up Samples from the CTRC (post-processing)


  • Please allow at least 3 business days for the CTRC to process your pickup request.
  • Ensure you bring an appropriate container to transport your samples.

Pick-up process for labs using OpenSpecimen:

The CTRC will notify you via email that your samples have been processed.

  • DNA – CTRC will create a “shipment” which notifies you that your samples are ready for pick up.
  • All other sample types – You will need to “request a shipment” to have your samples prepared for your pick-up from storage.
  • See this guide for more information.

Pick-up process for labs NOT using OpenSpecimen:

  • DNA – You will be notified via email that your DNA is ready for pick-up. OS creates an order which you can access via the link on your email or your OS homepage in the Orders widget.
    • When you physically arrive at the CTRC, log into OS and navigate to the desired Order. Click “retrieve’ to indicate you have picked up your samples.  
  • All other sample types When you are ready to pick up your samples, you will request samples from the OS catalog and complete the request form and indicate when you plan to pick up order..
    • When you physically arrive at the CTRC, log into OS and navigate to the desired Order. Click “retrieve’ to indicate that you have picked up your samples.
  • See this guide for more information.

Requesting Samples from the CTRC (post-storage)

  • Please allow at least 3 business days for the CTRC to process your pickup request.
  • Ensure you bring an appropriate container to transport your samples

OpenSpecimen User Guides / OpenSpecimen 101 Course

Similar to our REDCap Knowledge Articles, the BMIC develops and maintains OpenSpecimen User Guides as well as a Canvas OpenSpecimen 101 Course available at no cost. We encourage you to use these resources!