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Additional Resources

Additional Resources

University of Utah Office of Sponsored Projects: Grants Life Cycle

The Grant Life Cycle provides an overview of the entire research proposal submission and administration process. The Life Cycle helps you to understand research policies and procedures and walks you through the challenges of finding funding and applying for and administering grants.

University of Utah Health: Research Roundup

University of Utah Health’s Research Roundup highlights researchers and the innovative, basic and/or clinical research that is translating discoveries into applications that help people. Stay well-informed on your colleagues and the research taking place at the University of Utah.


In addition to carrying out its scientific mission, the NIH exemplifies and promotes the highest level of public accountability. To that end, the Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools provides access to reports, data, and analyses of NIH research activities, including information on NIH expenditures and the results of NIH supported research.


Are you wondering which NIH institutes or centers might be interested in your research, or which study sections review work like yours? Matchmaker is our new query interface where users can submit abstracts or other scientific text to find similar projects. Matchmaker mines the terms and concepts in your text, compares those patterns to funded projects, and returns a list of 100 similar projects. You can download these or add them to a custom MyRePORTER portfolio for further analysis. Matchmaker also automatically creates charts of the most common Study Sections, Institutes/Centers, and Activity Codes in your list of similar projects. This will help you narrow in on which study sections reviewed those projects and understand which ICs fund this similar work.

NIAID Funding Newsletter

The purpose of this NIAID Funding News provides funding, policy, and other information to NIAID's extramural research community and Institute staff. Though some content is NIAID specific, a lot of information, including NIH policy updates, featured articles, and advice corner, are very applicable to all researchers! You can Subscribe to Email Alerts for the newsletter and see more ways to Stay Informed About Policy Changes and News.

Open Mike Blog - NIH Extramural Nexus

The “Open Mike” blog helps connects research community to the NIH perspectives and helps NIH connect to the research community. Dr. Michael Lauer, blog poster, is NIH’s Deputy Director for Extramural Research, serving as the principal scientific leader and advisor to the NIH Director on the NIH extramural research program.

Clinical Research Compliance and Education (CRCE)

We facilitate processes, provide training and education, and engage in oversight activities designed to ensure clinical services associated with human subject research are charged to the correct party, claims submitted to government health care programs comply with the requirements of the applicable program, and human subject research complies with expectations imposed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Please contact our office for questions regarding:

  • uTRAC
  • Study Patient Registration
  • Research Billing Processes
  • FDA Guidance
  • Training

Operates a free and secure online platform created by academic institutions who want to include investigators in their mission to improve health.

UDOH Data Sets

Features statistical, numerical data as well as contextual information on the health status of Utahns and the state of the Utah healthcare system.

UDOH Data Stewards

Displays those responsible for the various datasets available in IBIS-PH Custom Queries.

Data Science Services

Provides data science expertise to the Health Sciences research community that include graduate students, residents, fellows, research associates, and faculty for clinical & translational research.

Data Coordinating Center 

Office for Research Participant Advocacy (ORPA)

ORPA as established in 2008 to serve as a voice for research participants. It supports volunteers and community members at large in research participation, with the goal of providing an additional resource to enhance their research participation experience.

Contact Us

Shaylee Scott
Program Assistant

Lyalya Sultanova
Grants & Contracts Officer

Jennifer Zitterkoph
Associate Director, Grants & Contracts
Phone: 801-213-1504

Additional Resources