We are pleased to announce that Adobe Sign is now validated to be compliant with 21 CFR Part 11 when used with the approved procedures. This validation enables UU researchers and study teams to obtain electronic signatures on all research records required for FDA-regulated research, including written consent signatures from research participants.
Getting Started with Adobe Sign Researchers needing access to Adobe Sign must first request access by referring to the CRSO webpage. By following this process, all necessary configuration settings are activated to ensure that signatures are collected in compliance with 21 CFR Part 11.
Important Notes:
- Protected Health Information (PHI): Adobe Sign is approved for use with Protected Health Information (PHI).
- Document Storage: Adobe Sign is not intended for long-term storage of documents. Consent forms and other signed materials must be downloaded and saved in an appropriate platform.
We hope this enhances your research process by providing a compliant and efficient way to obtain electronic signatures.
If you have any questions, please reach out to gretchen.seipp-inman@hsc.utah.edu.