Seminars & Events
The Utah Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) Workforce Development Foundation expands and cultivates the transfer of clinical and translational research knowledge within the University of Utah and the research community at large through multiple seminar and events.
Translational Research Trainee Symposium
In collaboration with multiple trainee programs, the Utah CTSI hosts an annual Translational Research Trainee Symposium during the first week of November. This full-day retreat brings together University of Utah trainees and faculty, national leaders of the Utah CTSI External Advisory Committee, and the Utah CTSI NIH NCATS Program Officer. Click here to learn more about this unique event.
The Utah CTSI K-Club is a monthly lunchtime meeting for early-career clinical and translational researchers. Each meeting features a speaker presenting his or her Specific Aims page to a group of peers and senior investigators in order to receive feedback about the science, career development plan, and writing. Click here to learn more about this lunch time seminar.
Translational Research in Progress
The MS in Clinical Investigation Translational Research in Progress (TRIP) is a monthly RIP for Utah CTSI trainees, including those participating in the MSCI, KL2, TL1, and VPCAT programs. TRIP encourages all trainees to participate as audience members and presenters. Each TRIP features two presenters communicating their research in order to receive feedback on research methods, interpretation, and future research directions. Click here to learn more about this afternoon seminar.
Health Science Entrepreneurship Seminars
The Utah CTSI co-sponsored Health Science Entrepreneurship Seminar is a monthly series featuring successful and engaging scientist who have proven experience in the entrepreneurial ventures, sharing their stories via webcast and broadcasted to the HSEB building. Click here to learn more about this lunch time seminar.
Clinical Research and Methods (CRAM) Lunch & Seminar
The Utah CTSI and Center of Excellence in Women's Health (CoE) co-sponsor CRAM. This seminar series is open to clinical investigators at any level in all departments and colleges. The goals of the seminar series are to foster communication between members of the clinical research community, aid beginning level clinical investigators in developing and executing research, and provide a forum for exploring controversies in clinical research. A complete archive of these seminars is available.
Kellie E. Brown, MS
Email: kellie.e.brown@hsc.utah.edu