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Community & Academic Partnership Pilot (CAPP) Program

Community-initiated translational research pilot projects that focus on community-identified health-related needs and involve collaborations between community organizations and researchers. It is expected that the research supported by each of these pilot awards will result in one or more publications and/or presentations, and will collect data that will be used to apply for funding from NIH or other funders to expand and continue the projects. The project should include a collaboration between the following:

  1. Leader(s) of a community organization located in Utah
  2. Researcher(s) affiliated with a Utah CTSI organization – University of Utah, Utah Department of Health, Veterans Affairs Salt Lake City Health Care System, or Intermountain Healthcare

For additional information, please contact Breanne Johnson.

CAPP Slide Deck

Past Recipients

Year of Award Investigators Investigator Departments Project Titles

Shinduk Lee, DrPhD, MSPH/HSA

Community Partner PI: Nichole Shepard, MPH, EP-C, Utah Dept of Health & Human Services 

College of Nursing Community-academic partnership to co-develop strategies to promote sustainable delivery of chronic disease self-management education programs

Nasser Sharareh, PhD

Community Partner PI: Gloria Castaneda, United Way of Salt Lake

Population Health Sciences A real-time surveillance system for detecting local food insecurity spikes and informing timely interventions

Kevin S Shah MD (academic PI)

Community Partner PI: Balaji Sudabattula, President of the India Cultural Center (ICC) of Utah 

Dept of Internal Medicine Division of Cardiovascular Medicine  Characterizing and Improving Cardiovascular Health among Utah South Asians

Michelle Debbink, MD, PhD, University of Utah (UU (academic PI)

Community Partner PI: Leilani Taholo, PhD, LCSW, Clinical Director of Child and Family Empowerment Services (CFES)

Dept of Obstetrics & Gynecology (ObGyn) Wāhine Koa: Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander mothers claiming culturally integrated perinatal mental health care
2021 Anne Kirchhoff, PhD, MPH & Matt Slonaker, JD Pediatrics Improving Health Insurance Literacy among Utah’s Hispanic Community
2020 Anu Asnaani, PhD & Ana Sanchez-Birkhead, PhD, WHNP-BC, APRN Psychology Investigation of a Community-Level Definitions of Mental Health, Mental Health Priority Areas, and Barriers to Care Across Diverse Communities: Development of a Framework for Culturally-Responsive, Evidence-Based Mental Health Interventions
2020 Anne Thackeray, PhD, PT, MPH & Sally Aerts Physical Therapy & Athletic Training Leveraging 911 Non-transport Falls Data