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Consortium of Rural States (CORES): Request for Pilot Funding Applications

Eight institutions funded by the NCATS Clinical & Translational Science Award (CTSA) have joined together to form the Consortium of Rural States (CORES): The University of Utah Health, the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, Frontiers Clinical and Translational Science Institute, University of Kentucky, the Translational Research Institute at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, the University of Iowa, Dartmouth College, and Penn State University.

The purpose of this request for applications (RFA) is to promote multi-institutional collaboration across the CTSA consortium by funding innovative translational science research projects that involve two or more of these eight CTSA CORES institutions. This pilot program is soliciting applications from faculty members at all career levels for translational science pilot projects that will exemplify the CTSA mission of “understanding a scientific or operational principle underlying a step of the translational process with the goal of developing generalizable principles to accelerate translational research.” 

The CORES Multi-Institutional Pilot Program will fund translational science projects aiming to identify and overcome barriers to the performance of translational research. 

Pilots should articulate a clear translational research barrier(s) and propose an innovative plan to overcome or ameliorate the barrier (i.e., a translational science innovation). The proposed innovations should be broadly generalizable to many different translational research questions, and not specific to any one project or disease.

Proposed projects should align with one of the following project scopes: 

  • Develop: New methodology, technology, tool, resource, or training paradigm that has generalizable application to an identified translational roadblock
  • Demonstrate: New methodology, technology, tool, resource, or training paradigm to improve the effectiveness or  efficiency of the translational process (including feasibility to support future clinical or translational science or research projects)
  • Disseminate: Tools to effectively promote methodology, technology, tool, resource, or training paradigm that  overcome an identified translational roadblock or improve the effectiveness or efficiency of the translational process into broader use

Areas of Emphasis:

In accordance with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) strategic plan and its commitment to increasing representation in research, funding emphasis for this RFA will be given to translational science proposals that address one of the following: 

  • Climate Change and Environmental Health
  • Healthcare for All Populations
  • Rural Health
  • Maternal Health

Required Letter of Intent (LOI Due): January 21, 2025
Time: 5:00pm MST