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University of Utah and AAHHE Fellows Partnership Accepts CCET's Dr. Sanchez-Birkhead

Co-Director of CTSI's Community Collaboration and Engagement Team Dr. Ana-Sanchez Birkhead has been accepted into the 2021-2022 New Leadership Academy Fellows Program, a partnership between the University of Utah and the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE).

According to their website, "The learning strategies informing the program’s curriculum are premised on a recognition that the demographic, democratic, and discursive foundations on which modern higher education has been built are changing.The NLA curriculum and learning objectives draw upon traditional leadership theory and contemporary scholarship that investigate the roles of leaders under highly contested and complex conditions." 

Dr. Sanchez-Birkhead's areas of expertise are women's health research and cancer-related disparities among vulnerable populations. She is an associate professor in the College of Nursing as well.

Dr. Sanchez-Birkhead's fellowship will be led by director Amy Fulton and program manager Illana Israel.