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Publications Reporting Outcomes from CCET Work


    • Integrating social determinants of health screening and referral during routine emergency department care: evaluation of reach and implementation challenges
      • Andrea Wallace study to improve emergency department care
      • Andrea S. Wallace, Brenda L. Luther, Shawna M. Sisler,Bob Wong, ia-Wen Guo
      • Wallace AS, Luther BL, Sisler SM, Wong B, Guo J-W. (2021). Integrating social determinants of health screening and referral during routine emergency department care: Evaluation of reach and implementation challenges. Implement Sci Commun. 2021; 2:114. PMCID: PMC8499465; PMID: 34620248.


    • Successful Multi-Level HPV Vaccination Intervention at a Rural Healthcare Center in the Era of COVID-19
      • Publication regarding the provision of HPV vaccination in the rural setting. CCET provided interviews with parents and organized a training bootcamp with school nurses
      • Deanna Kepka, Kaila Christini, Emily McGough, Anna Wagner, Guilherme Del Fiol, Bryan Gibson, Shauna Ayres, Heather M. Brandt, Sara Mann, Amanda F. Petrik, and Gloria D. Coronado
      • Kepka D, Christini K, McGough E, Wagner A, Del Fiol G, Gibson B, Ayres S, Brandt HM, Mann S, Petrik AF, Coronado GD. (2021). Successful multi-level HPV vaccination intervention at a rural healthcare center in the era of COVID-19. Front Digit Health. 2021; 3:719138. PMCID: PMC8521914; PMID: 34713184.


    • Parents' decision-making for their foetus or neonate with a severe congenital heart defect
      • Rebecca K Delaney, Nelangi M Pinto, Elissa M Ozanne, Heather Brown, Louisa A Stark, Melissa H Watt, Michelle Karasawa, Angira Patel, Mary T Donofrio, Michelle M Steltzer, Stephen G Miller, Susan L Zickmund, Angela Fagerlin
      • Delaney RK, Pinto NM, Ozanne EM, Brown H, Stark LA, Watt MH, Karasawa M, Patel A, Donofrio MT, Steltzer MM, Miller SG, Zickmund SL, & Fagerlin A. Parents’ decision-making for their foetus or neonate with a severe congenital heart defect. Cardiology in the Young. 2021:1-8. doi:10.1017/S1047951121003218. PMID: 34407894.


    • Frost CJ, Johnson EP, Witte B, Stark L, Botkin J, Rothwell E. (2021). Electronic informed consent information for residual newborn specimen research: Findings from focus groups with diverse populations. Journal of Community Genetics. PMID: 33481187.


    • Diverse caregivers' HPV vaccine-related awareness and knowledge
      • Deanna Kepka, Julia Bodson, Djin Lai, Ana C Sanchez-Birkhead, France A Davis, Doriena Lee, Fahina Tavake-Pasi, Edwin Napia, Jeannette Villalta, Valentine Mukundente, Ryan Mooney, Heather Coulter, Louisa A Stark
      • Kepka D, Bodson J, Lai D, Sanchez-Birkhead AC, Davis FA, Lee D, Tavake-Pasi, F, Napia E, Villalta J, Mukundente V, Mooney R, Coulter H, Stark LA. (2021). Diverse caregivers’ HPV vaccine-related awareness and knowledge. Ethnicity and Health. 2021 Aug;26(6):811-826. DOI:10.1080/13557858.2018.1562052. Epub 2018 Dec 27. PMID: 30589389. PMCID: PMC6597331.


    • Marsh EE, Kappelman MD, Kost RG, Mudd-Martin G, Shannon J, Stark LA, Carrasquillo O. (2021). Community engagement during COVID: A field report from seven CTSAs. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 5:e104,1-7. doi:10.1017/cts.2021.785. PMID: 34192058; PMCID: PMC8185415.
    • The Role of Advocacy in Adapting the Diabetes Prevention Program for Couple-Based Delivery That Reaches Marginalized Groups
      • Study on couple-based delivery of diabetes prevention programing utilizing community advisory boards
      • Monique C. Aguirre, Heather Brown, Dana Gershenoff, Kristie L. Hinton, Olivia M. Huntzinger, Natalie Klein, Carmen Ramos, O. Fahina Tavake-Pasi, Brieanne Witte, Marc Wolfsfeld, Tamara Sher, Debra L. Simmons, Timothy W. Smith, Lauren Clark, and Katherine J.W. Baucom
      • Behav Ther (NYNY). 2020 Oct; 43(7):261-265. PMID: PMC7853690; PMID: 33536698.


    • Persistence of patient and family experiences of critical illness
      • Eliotte L Hirshberg, Jorie Butler, Morgan Francis, Francis A Davis, Doriena Lee, Fahina Tavake-Pasi, Edwin Napia, Jeanette Villalta, Valentine Mukundente, Heather Coulter, Louisa Stark, Sarah J Beesley, James F Orme, Samuel M Brown, Ramona O Hopkins
      • Hirshberg EL, Butler J, Francis M, Davis FA, Lee D, Tavake-Pasi F, Napia E, Villalta J, Mukundente V, Coulter H, Stark L, Beesley SJ, Orme JF, Brown SM, Hopkins RO. (2020). Persistence of patient and family experiences of critical illness. BMJ Open 2020 Apr 6;10(4):e035213. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035213. PMID: 32265244. PMCID: PMC7245383.


    • Kious BM, Docherty AR, Botkin JR, Brown TR, Francis LP, Gray DD, Keeshin BR, Stark LA, Witte B, Coon H. (2020). Ethical and public health implications of genetic testing for suicide risk: family and survivor perspectives. Genetics in Medicine (2020). PMID: 32265244. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7245383.


    • Kious BM, Docherty AR, Botkin JR, Brown TR, Francis LP, Gray DD, Keeshin BR, Stark LA, Witte B, Coon H. Correction: Ethical and public health implications of genetic testing for suicide risk: family and survivor perspectives. Genetics in Medicine. 2020 Dec 22;. doi: 10.1038/s41436-020-01059-9. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33353974.
    • The Community Faces Model: Community, University and Health Department Partners Thriving Together for Effective Health Education
      • Publication regarding the Community Faces of Utah, a diverse community organization which works with CCET to help inform research and connect with communities
      • Dina Drits-Esser, Heather Coulter, Meghan C. Mannello, Grant Sunada, Stephen C. Alder, Pastor France A. Davis, Doriena Lee, Valentine Mukundente, Ed Napia, Brenda Ralls, Sylvia Rickard, Fahina Tavaké-Pasi, and Louisa A. Stark
      • Drit Drits-Esser D, Coulter H, Mannello M, Sunada   G, Alder  S, Davis  PFA, Lee  D, Mukundente  V, Napia  E, Ralls  R, Rickard  S, Tavake-Pasi   OF, Stark  LA. (2019). The Community Faces model: Community, university and health department partners thriving together for effective health education. Collaborations: A Journal of Community-Based Research and Practice, 2(1), 10. PMID: 33728408; PMCID: PMC7959871.
    • Factors Associated with Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Among Diverse Adolescents in a Region with Low Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Rates
      • Deanna Kepka, Julia Bodson, Djin Lai, Ana Sanchez-Birkhead, Jeannette Villalta, Valentine Mukundente, Fahina Tavake-Pasi, France A Davis, Doriena Lee, Edwin Napia, Ryan Mooney, Heather Coulter, Louisa A Stark
      • Kepka D, Bodson J, Lai D, Sanchez-Birkhead A, Villalta J, Mukundente V, Tavake-Pasi F, Davis FA, Lee D, Napia E, Mooney R, Coulter H, Stark LA. (2018). Factors associated with human papillomavirus vaccination among diverse adolescents in a region with low human papillomavirus vaccination rates. Health Equity 2(1):223-232. PMID: 30283871. PMCID: PMC6128445.
    • Diverse Families' Experiences with HPV Vaccine Information Sources: A Community-Based Participatory Approach
      • Djin Lai Julia Bodson, France A Davis, Doriena Lee, Fahina Tavake-Pasi, Edwin Napia, Jeannette Villalta, Valentine Mukundente, Ryan Mooney, Heather Coulter, Louisa A Stark, Ana C Sanchez-Birkhead, Deanna Kepka
      • Lai D, Bodson J, Davis FA, Lee D, Tavake-Pasi F, Napia E, Villalta J, Mukundente V, Mooney R, Coulter H, Stark LA, Sanchez-Birkhead AC, Kepka D. (2017). Diverse families’ experiences with HPV vaccine information sources: A community-based participatory approach. Journal of Community Health 42(2):400-412. doi: 10.1007/s10900-016-0269-4; PMID: 27734247. PMCID: PMC5337438.

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