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Register your project and request CTSI services now.

ProTrackS is a web-based service request system which supports all arms of the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI). ProTrackS is the starting point for requesting any service from any core or service within CTSI. All REDCap and BioSpecimen projects must also be registered in the ProTrackS database.

ProTrackS provides the ability for you to request research and operational services from any of the CTSI cores. ProTrackS creates a CTSI ID for your projects so we can track the services and resources needed for your research projects. Over time this will provide us the information needed to expand and better coordinate CTSI services in the future.

ProTrackS User Guide:

1. What is ProTrackS (Project Tracking System)?

ProTrackS  is a web-based  service request system  for the Center for Translational Science Institute (CTSI).  

ProTrackS  provides ability for you to  request research and operational services  from any of the CTSI foundations.  

ProTrackS  creates a  CTSI ID  for your projects so we can track the  services and resources  you need for your research projects. 

2. How do I start?

In order to request support from the CTSI, you need to register your project in ProTrackS.  There exists a minimum of 3 pages to complete and will take only a few minutes: 

  1. Page 1:  Principal investigator (PI) informationuNID, Name, E-mail, Contact Phone and Department
  2. Page 2:  Project Information: project title, funding status & CTSI Services/Provider(s).  This page also allows you to select what type of service you would like
  3. Page 3:  Directs you to answer questions specific to the services or information related to the CTSI Services/Provider you selected 

This registration should only take a few minutes.  If you have questions please let us know by replying

3. What happens?

  1. As soon as you complete yourProTrackSregistration you willreceive an e-mail confirming your submission, including: CTSI ID and Project title 
  1. Each service/resource or information you have requestedalerts a CTSI providerand you will be contacted within 1 business day. 
  1. If you are creating a REDCap Project, proceed to REDCap and “Create a New Project”.   
  • Append the CTSI # to the end of your title. Eg. “Covid Survey-CTSI3456”
  • This will initiate a REDCap Support Ticket for approval by a REDCap administrator.

Contact Us

Core Administration

Julio Facelli, PhD
BMIC Director

Ram Gouripeddi, MBBS, MS
BMIC Assistant Director