OpenSpecimen (OS) is a metadata repository designed to assist research laboratories in the organization and reporting of biospecimens.
OS can be customized to record almost any data associated with the specimen, patient, or visit. Its power lies in the reporting functionality
that allows the researcher to query and filter data using any field recorded during data entry.
OpenSpecimen is a biobanking informatics platform partially subsidized for University of Utah research needs by the Clinical and Translational Science Institute. OpenSpecimen allows users to collect disease-specific annotations, clinical and pathology data, study-specific parameters, patient questionnaires, QA/QC data, specimen lifecycle events, and any other site-specific custom data. OpenSpecimen also contains a reporting module extract data from all types of datasets.
Request a user log-in or open a Support Ticket
Login to CTSI OpenSpecimen Training
Login to CTSI OpenSpecimen Production (Requires VPN)
OpenSpecimen provides users the capability to analyze participant and specimen data using various filters. The outcome of multiple queries can be displayed on a single dashboard. On the diagram to the left one can easily view:
- Number of participants
- Number of Primary Specimens
- # available specimens / # distributed
- Specimens by Type / Diagnosis / Anatomic Site
- # Specimens Collected last quarter
Laboratories use OpenSpecimen to track specimen storage and processing based upon clinical study design. Implementing OpenSpecimen for your lab requires assistance from the BMIC OpenSpecimen team. Requests to use the system will be evaluated and prioritized in the implementation queue. You can request access to the OpenSpecimen training platform and follow our Knowledge Articles to become familiar with the system and how it can support your lab by registering your interest in ProTracks and indicating you would like to use the CTSI OpenSpecimen biorepository management system.
Please let us know how you would like to use the system and we'll set up a meeting to get started.