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The Clinical Research Support Office (CRSO) Monitoring and Quality Assurance team works closely with the Office of Quality Compliance to create compliance resources for researchers and study teams across the University of Utah, including:



The standard operating procedures (SOPs) included in this library are provided to enhance the quality, efficiency, data reliability, and patient safety of critical activities and processes belonging to clinical research.

These SOPs should be used and followed by all individuals conducting clinical research at the University of Utah.


The toolkit includes templates of commonly used logs and other documents in clinical research. These templates are offered to assist research teams in conducting, tracking and/or monitoring research activities.

Templates are available for research teams to download and adapt for their own use.


Guidance documents are supportive documents that either describe how a specific procedure is required to be performed or suggest direction on operational processes and workflows.

Some documents identify mandatory processes; however, all documents are shared as resources to researchers and study teams.

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