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All research involving human subjects who pay their participants in Health Sciences will be required to use the Participant Payments System beginning 07/01/2023.

For questions about your study’s eligibility please CONTACT US.

Participant Payment Fees

Study teams who pay participants will be required to have their studies in OnCore.

  • No OnCore start-up/annual fees will be assessed to studies they are only in OnCore for the purpose of paying participants stipends and/or reimbursements.
  • Studies that meet the clinical trials criteria and are using Participant Payments will be assessed start-up/annual fees. For more information about the clinical trials requirements, see OnCore Fees.

Participant Payments costs are outlined below and are consistent with the contracted pricing from Advarra, the vendor for the system. The CRSO team will invoice the department with the chartfield provided by the study team at the time debit cards are distributed and received by the study team. We encourage teams to be mindful of the number of cards that are requested since they cannot be returned to CRSO once they have been distributed.

  • Debit Cards: $1.50/per card distributed to the department
  • Load Fees: Load fees are charged when a stipend and/or reimbursement is distributed to a participant through the debit or direct deposit.
  • Debit Card Fee: $0.80/per transaction
  • Direct Deposit Fee: $2.00/per transaction

Please note that debit cards expire three years after activated for the participant. If studies are paying a participant for more than three years, a new card will need to be assigned and will be subject to the current fees addressed above. Outstanding balances can be transferred to the new card.  For more information, please see the Clinical Research Fee Schedule-(SOP 13).